Friday, November 11, 2011

All about cervical cancer

1. What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical region. That area on the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus. It lies between the womb (uterus) with a hole intercourse female (vagina).
99.7% of these cancers are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix. Starting occur in the cervix, when it has entered advanced stages, this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body.

2. Sebeberapa dangers of cervical cancer?
World Health Organization (WHO) said the current cervical cancer is ranked top among the various types of cancer that causes death in women in the world. so this is very dangerous.

3. What is the real cause of this cervical cancer?

First, cervical cancer caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). This virus has more than 100 types, where most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself. HPV virus types that cause cervical cancer and the most fatal. The result is the HPV virus types 16 and 18.
Second, other than caused by HPV, abnormal cells on the cervix can also grow due to radiation exposure or contamination of chemicals that occur in the long term.

4. How can cervical cancer spread?

Transmission of HPV virus can occur through sexual contact, especially with multiple partners. Virus transmission can occur either by transmission through the genital organs to the genital organs, oral to genital or genital to manually.
Therefore, the use of condoms during intercourse is not very influential prevent transmission of HPV virus. For, not only transmitted through the fluid, the virus can move through the touch of skin. Henah lo, mangkanya ya do not snack.

5. Let's identify what are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

In the early stages, the disease causes no symptoms are easily observed. That's why, you who are already sexually active is highly recommended to perform a pap smear test once every two years. Physical symptoms of this disease is generally only felt by people with advanced cancer.

Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer:
* The emergence of pain and bleeding during intercourse (contact bleeding).
* Excessive vaginal discharge and abnormal.
* Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
* Drastic weight loss.
* If the cancer has spread to the pelvis, the patient will suffer from back pain complaints
* Also barriers in urination, and kidney enlargement.

6. How long this period of growth of cervical cancer?

Preinvasif period (growth of abnormal cells before they become malignant) disease is quite long, so people who managed to detect it early can make a variety of steps to overcome them.
Persistent infection will lead to abnormal cell growth that could eventually lead to cancer development. This development takes between 5-20 years, starting from the stage of infection, pre-cancerous lesions to be positive cervical cancer.

7. Is it true that smokers' risk of contracting cervical cancer?

There are many studies that the relationship between cigarette smoking with increased risk of someone contracting cervical cancer. One is the research conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2001.
According Joakam Dillner, MD, a researcher who led the research, nicotine substances as well as "poison" the other into the blood through the cigarette smoke can increase the likelihood of the condition of cervical neoplasia or abnormal growth of cells in the uterus. "Cervical neoplasia is a precondition of developing cervical cancer in a person's body," he said.

8. In addition to smokers who are at risk for infection?

Women are prone to cervical cancer are those aged between 35-50 years, especially you who have been sexually active before age 16 years. Sexual intercourse at an early age too can increase the risk of cervical cancer by 2 times compared to women who had sexual intercourse after the age of 20 years.
Cervical cancer is also associated with the number of sexual opponent. The more the opposite sex you have, then increasing the risk of cervical cancer. Just like the opposite sex, number of pregnancies that have also experienced increased risk of cervical cancer.
You are infected with the HIV virus and who otherwise have an abnormal pap smear test results, and those with malnutrition, are also at risk for infection with HPV virus. In you are on a strict diet, low consumption of vitamin A, C, and E each day can lead to reduced levels of immunity in the body, so you can easily become infected.

9. How do I detect it?

A Pap smear is the standard examination method to detect cervical cancer or cervical cancer. However, the pap smear is not the only ways you can do to detect this disease. There is also the type of inspection using acetic acid (vinegar).

Using vinegar is acetic acid which is relatively easier and cheaper to do. If you want more accurate results, there is now the latest examination techniques for early detection of cervical cancer, a technology called Hybrid Capture System II (HCII).

10. How to prevent cervical cancer?

Although ranked highest among the various types of cancer that causes death, cervical cancer is the only species that have been known to cause cancer. Therefore, prevention efforts were highly likely to be done. Namely by:

* Not having sex with a partner who alternated
* Diligently doing a pap smear every two years for those who are already sexually active
* And do the HPV vaccination for those who have never done sexual contact
* And of course maintaining a healthy body

11. How important is the use of HPV vaccination?

In mid-2006 has been circulating vaccine against infection with HPV types 16 and 18 that cause cervical cancer. This vaccine works by increasing the body's immune and catch the virus before it enters the cells of the cervix.
In addition to fortify the cervical cancer vaccine is also working to protect women from the threat of multiple HPV types 6 and 11 which cause genital warts. That need to be emphasized is that this vaccine was only effective when given to girls aged 9 to 26 years are not yet sexually active.
The vaccine is given 3 times within a certain timeframe. With vaccination, the risk of cervical cancer could be decreased to 75%. There is good news, starting this year the price of the original vaccine Rp 1,300,000, - once a syringe to Rp 700,000, - one injection.

12. Are there any side effects of vaccination?

This vaccine has been tested on thousands of women worldwide. The results showed no harmful side effects. The most common side effects are fever and complained of redness, pain, and swelling at the injection site.

Side effects other frequently encountered are bleeding and itching at the injection site. The vaccine itself is not recommended for pregnant women. However, nursing mothers should receive this vaccine.

13. Can cervical cancer be cured?

Since not complain about any symptoms, cervical cancer patients usually come to the hospital when the disease has reached stage 3. The problem, cervical cancer has reached stage 2 to stage 4 have resulted in damage to body organs, such as bladder, kidney, and others.

Therefore, surgical removal of the uterus alone is not enough to make the patient recover as usual. In addition to surgery, patients still need to obtain additional erapi, such as radiation and chemotherapy. The move though can not guarantee 100% of patients experienced healing.

Choose where? prevented by vaccination or you choose hysterectomy, radiation and kemoteraphy are still no guarantees recover? Better to prevent than cure right?
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Identify the characteristics of breast cancer

As the name implies, breast cancer is a disease caused by the growth of cancer cells in the breast area. This disease mostly affects women, but men can also be affected. Breast cancer is a type of cancer with the second highest number of sufferers in the world. While the rates of death, type of cancer is the fifth largest cause of death in the world.

Early signs of breast cancer was the discovery of a lump in the breast that feels different. If pressed, the lump is not painful. Initially these bumps are small, but gradually enlarged and finally attached to the skin or cause changes in breast skin or nipple.

Here among other things you should note that a symptom of breast cancer:

* Lump in your breast change shape / size
* Breast skin to change color: from pink to brown to orange peel
* Into the nipple (retraction)
* One of your nipples suddenly loose / missing
* If the tumor is large, the pain appeared relapsing-remitting
* Breast skin feels like fire
* Breast bleeding or other fluid, when you do not breastfeed

Signs of breast cancer the most obvious is the presence of ulcers (ulcers) in the breast. Over time, these ulcers will become increasingly large and deep so that it can destroy the entire breast. Other symptoms are breast often foul smelling and bleed easily.

As for the symptoms of advanced breast cancer, the following is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Advanced breast cancer is very easily recognizable by knowing operbilitas Heagensen criteria as follows:

* There is extensive edema of the breast skin (over 1 / 3 area of ​​breast skin);
* Presence of satellite nodules on the skin of the breast;
* Type of breast cancer karsinimatosa mastitis;
* There parasternal model;
* There is a supraclavicular nodule;
* Presence of arm edema;
* Presence of distant metastases;
* And there are two of the signs of locally advanced, namely skin ulceration, skin edema, skin fixed to the wall of the thorax, axillary lymph node 2.5 cm in diameter, and axillary lymph nodes attached to each other.

A number of signs above is indeed a characteristic of breast cancer. However, if you experience one or more of the above, not necessarily you suffer from breast cancer. Try to consult your doctor and do a test to mammography. Later the doctor will analyze the resulting mammograms and provide suggestions for you.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cancer Lung cancer falls into a deadly disease for both men and women. Compared with other cancer types, such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer, lung cancer nowadays tend to rise faster development.

Lung cancer is a form of very rapid development of the cells (abnormal) in lung tissue caused by changes in tissue form cells or expansion of the cells themselves. If left unchecked this abnormal growth can spread to other organs, both near and far to the lung such as bone, liver, or brain.

Lung cancer caused by smoking more (87%), while the rest are caused by the substance asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emissions can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoke.

# Classification for Lung Cancer

There is a classification of lung cancer, is viewed from both dijaringan pulmonary diffusion rate itself or to other organs. But basically the lung cancer is divided into two criteria based on the level of distribution:

1. Primary lung cancer
It has 2 main types, namely the Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is the kind that sell small pieces (many) which has the power of very rapid growth to swell. Usually called "oat cell carcinomas" (wheat cell carcinoma). This type is closely associated with smokers, Handling responds well enough through the action of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

While NSCLC is the growth of single cells, but often strike more than one area in the lung. For example adenoma, hamartoma kondromatous and Sarcoma.

2. Secondary lung cancer
Lung cancer is a disease that arises as a result of the spread of cancer from other organs, most often breast cancer and colon cancer (stomach). Cancer spreads through the blood, lymphatic system or because of the proximity of the organ.
# Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer will only appear during the development of abnormal cells is more severe towards a more advanced stage, and this takes many years since the beginning of its development. There's even a possibility did not show specific signs and symptoms, but only visible if the X-ray done. But if some of the signs and symptoms below if felt, you should immediately see a doctor:

1. Old coughing in people smoking
2. Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)
3. Coughing blood (albeit small amounts)
4. Frequent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis)
5. The presence of chest pain, shoulder and the back
6. The sound has changed from the usual
7. Cough more than 2 weeks in people who do not smoke
8. Others such as difficulty swallowing, neck and face appear swollen, decreased appetite, weight loss, tired or weak.

# Causes of Lung Cancer

The biggest cause is smoking, while others are caused by contamination of the surrounding air by a substance asbestos, air pollution by combustion or fumes including cigarette smoke. There are several cases of diseases that lead to lung cancer diseases, namely tuberculosis and pneumonia. Both of these diseases can cause injury to the lung tissue that supports the organ cells in the growth of abnormal cells inside the cavity. Lung cancer usually develops from this case is the type of adenocarcinoma (adenoma).

# Handling and Treatment of Cancer Lung Disease

Handling and treatment or treatment performed on people already diagnosed with lung cancer will depend on the stage is level, the possibility of surgery, as well as the general condition of the patient. This is not apart of the history and causes of lung cancer is of course.

Some steps are wont to do is:

* Actions lift surgery cancer cells
* Actions of Radiation Therapy
* Action Therapy Kemotherapy
* {Photodynamic Actions injection (PTD)}

Providing nutrition and supplements can reduce symptoms caused by lung cancer. Vitamin D and Fe are very good to be administered by patients with lung cancer, antioxidant foods Similarly, like blueberries, cherri, and tomatoes. Sources: Lung Cancer Disease.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Morbus Hansen (Hanseniasis Leprosy)

Morbus Hansen (Hanseniasis, Leprosy, Leprosy) is an infectious disease of chronic nature, caused by Mycobacterium leprae attacks the nerves tepid primary and secondary attack the skin, muscle RES upper respiratory tract, eyes and testes.

The entry of germs in the body can go through several possibilities, among others can be through non-intact skin, respiratory or digestive tract. Upon entry into the body, namely the prediction germ cells toward the place Schewann on peripheral nerve ..
In the germ cells proliferate, cell rupture and then infect others atu Schwann cells into the skin depending on the degree of immunity sufferer. At high immunity will occur tuberculoid type of leprosy, while in the low immunity will occur lepromatus type.


The main complaint is usually as a result of peripheral nerve disorders, which in this case can be spots on the skin numbness, heavy, tingling, weakness of muscles and dry skin disorders due to spending the sweat glands.

Clinical symptoms that occur may include abnormalities in peripheral nerve, skin, hair, muscles, bones, eyes and testes.

1. Abnormalities in peripheral nerve
Abnormalities that occur may include thickening or tenderness due proseskeradangan fibrotic reaction.
The occurrence of peripheral nerves, especially on the trip, close to the surface of the skin al.: Nulnaris mgnus, n. Perouneus lateralis and n. Median.

2. Abnormalities of the skin
Abnormalities that occur may include numbness or macular spots anastetika, nodules, ulcers, ichtiosis, thickening and facies Leonina ear lobe.

3. Abnormalities in hair
Hair loss that occurs is usually limited to mukula or on eyebrows (madarosis)

4. Abnormalities in muscle
The disorder can be a disuse atrophy of muscles that dienervasi by the damaged peripheral nerve al: atrophy of the thenar, hypothenar, M.interosei, M.lumbricalis.
Paralysis of the muscles followed by stiffness of the joints resulting in Claw Hand, foot and drop hand drop.

5. Abnormalities in bone
Can be either osteomyelitis resulting in mutilation.
Can occur res orbsi on bone, especially in the fingers so that the bent tip retracts and is referred to as telescopic finger.

6. Abnormalities in the eye.
Disorders of the eye is often caused by paralysis of m. orbiculris oculi resulting lagopthalmus or eyes can not dipejamkan so that the eye becomes dry due to occur that may progress to keratitis kronea ulcer, iritis, and ended iridosi klitis blindness.

7. Abnormalities of the testis
Can occur orchitis or inflammation of the testes and ends menjaadi atrophy. Testicular atrophy, which results ginekomasti.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

Dermatofitosis attack

Dermatofitosis is any superficial fungal infection caused by dermatophytes and the stratum corneum of skin, hair and nails, including onychomycosis and various forms of tinea. Called also epidermomycosis and epidermophytosis. 4
Dermatophyte fungi named according to its genus (mycrosporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton) and species eg, Microsporum canis, t. rubrum). Some of these are only attacking humans (antropofilik), and others primarily attack animals (zoofilik), though can sometimes attack humans. If the animal fungi cause skin lesions in humans, the existence of these fungi often cause a severe inflammatory reaction (eg, cattle ringworm) . Read More..