Friday, November 4, 2011

Be careful with the disease rickets

Today many are found bone disease that strikes children, such as rickets. Rickets (formerly known as vitamin D-resintan rickets) is a disorder in which bones become painful and feels rather easily bent because the blood contains low levels of phosphate.

Very rare disorder is almost always declined, through a dominant gene that is carried on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosome. Genetic disorder that causes abnormal kidney create high amounts of phosphate which does not fit into the bladder removed, resulting in levels of phosphate in the blood is low. Because bones need phosphate for growth and strength, this deficiency causes defective bones. Women with hypophosphatemic rickets have less severe bone disease than men. In rare cases, the disorder occurs as a result of certain cancers, such as giant cell tumors of bone, sarcoma, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. Hypophosphatemic rickets is not the same as rickets caused by a deficiency of vitamin D.

Hypophosphatemic rickets usually begins to cause abnormalities in the first year of life. Abnormalities of the possibility of which they produce mild symptoms that did not exist or where they produce severe bending of the arm and the other bone deformities, bone pain, and short stature. The bones become larger when the muscles attach to bones may restrict the movement of their joints. The space between the baby's skull bones may be too soon, leading to seizures.

Laboratory tests showed that the levels of calcium in the blood is normal but the levels of phosphate is low.

The goal of treatment is a hypophosphatemic rickets increased levels of phosphate in the blood, which will promote normal bone formation. Phosphate can be taken by mouth and must be combined with calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D. Taking vitamin D alone is not sufficient. The number of phosphate and calcitriol should be adjusted carefully because this treatment often causes high calcium levels in the blood, accumulation of calcium in the kidney tissue, or kidney stones. These effects can harm the kidneys and other tissues. In some adults, hypophosphatemic rickets resulting from a dramatic improvement of cancer after the cancer is removed.

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