Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Danger!!!!! Osteoporosis Threaten your bones !!!

Well osteoporosis dangerous enough for us. for that we need to know about osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by a progressive decrease in bone mass or fast. Reduced bone mass causes bones to become thin and weak. So it is no wonder that the people who have severe osteoporosis will easily fracture without apparent reason.

Normal bone was formed by a protein called collagen and the mineral calcium. Osteoporosis causes a vacuum deposit of collagen and calcium on bone. So that the layer formation process does not take place while the bone into the process of thinning continues.

In normal bone formation always occurs and bone thinning process continuously. It aims to maintain bone mass that is not too heavy so it does not disturb the process of movement. As I mentioned above, in osteoporosis, the process of formation does not occur while the thinning process continues.

Thin bone that will be very weak and easily broken by even mild impact. In normal bone, this impact will not cause anything, while in patients with osteoporosis causes broken bones. Almost all the bones had this experience, including ribs, pelvis and wrist.

Although osteoporosis can strike men and women, but most people with osteoporosis are women who have undergone menopause. It is believed that the hormone estrogen is a very important ingredient in maintaining bone mass. Well, in women who are menopausal, hormone production is very greatly reduced so as to accelerate the reduction of bone mass. Without effective prevention, a woman can lose 20-30% bone mass in the first 10 years after menopause. The process of osteoporosis can occur quietly and in a long time. Not a few women who ignore this because they did not feel anything, until the occurrence of symptoms of bone fractures caused by something minor trauma.

According to research in America, more than 20 million people suffer from osteoporosis, and 1.3 million of them have symptoms of a broken bone.

The main goal of osteoporosis treatment is to prevent fractures by stopping bone mass reduction and increases bone mass and strength.

Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis include diet regulation, stopping bad habits like smoking and alcohol consumption, regular exercise, adequate calcium and vitamin D, hormone replacement treatment with estrogen in postmenopausal women as well as medicines such as aledronate, etidronate or calcitonin. Medicinal drugs that I mentioned last will reduce the process of bone thinning. I hope this article about osteoporosis can be useful for us.

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