Tuesday, May 24, 2011

cope with a headache without pills

Many people suffer from headaches and migraines, even on an almost daily basis. They could be caused by a myriad of different reasons ranging from stress to a change in barometric pressure. Some people will be able to say just before a storm can weather accredited. If you are looking for advice on how to get rid of headaches naturally, this article will help. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that relieve your pain without the expense and adverse drug reactions. The next time you feel a headache coming on, try one of the first appeal before reaching the bottle of Tylenol or Advil.

* Mint: Take a cup of mint tea, or water with mint. It is a gentle way to get rid of your pain quickly.

* Cinnamon: Mix water and cinnamon to make a thin batter, and then apply to your temples and forehead. This is a remedy that Eastern has been used for thousands of years.

* Water: Dehydration can cause pain and discomfort, so be sure to get your 8-10 glasses a day.

Massage *: If someone will give you a shoulder and neck massage temple. This will not only get rid of the pain, relaxes you and you feel stress.

* Aromatherapy: Essential oils like lavender, rosemary, lemon, chamomile and rose scents are soothing to relax and feel better in no time. You can also rub a little on your temples, forehead, neck and scalp.

* Eat regularly: Skipping meals or going too long without food can trigger headaches. Be sure to eat at least three times a day, five or six small meals is a better solution.

Of course, one of the best tips on how to get rid of the headache is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Try to keep your stress levels to a minimum, and get enough rest. Finding time to relax every day and if you read, be sure to do it in a good light. Do not drink too much coffee or eating too many foods that contain caffeine, like chocolate. Daily exercise increases blood flow and circulation, which helps too. Taking care of yourself and know your triggers, you can prevent the full onset of headache or migraine, and if you get that over natural resources will certainly help to relieve your pain.
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Monday, May 23, 2011

tips for asthma

Asthma can be characterized as "nervous, this is due Airways Airways bronchi suddenly contract, not the chest and you become short of breath and start coughing and wheezing.

If you are under 40 years, the likelihood that your asthma is triggered by an allergy is believed that about 90%. At present, it is believed that allergies to pollen, stuffed animals, mites and molds are probably the most likely culprits for the increased incidence of people with asthma like symptoms.

After the age of 40 percentage points to about 50% and 50% believe that because of other diseases such as pulmonary disease or emphysema.

Asthma is a reversible disease, and as long as it directs the right medication and a lot of sense in a way that does not need to be in life, all you need to remember the trigger and avoid as much as possible, this includes:

* Stay away from smoke-filled rooms, even if you do not smoke can still be people who do not, even if it does not smoke in front of cigarette smoke can cling to their clothes, and if you are allergic to it could trigger an attack. Children with asthma are particularly vulnerable.

* If you have asthma, you'll probably find that the chimneys and wood stoves problem aggravates asthma, if you do not have much room for choice with them, you must make sure the room is well ventilated and the chimney is sealed .

* There is a school of thought that goes to bed with a full stomach can eventually cause an asthma attack, especially if you are prone to acid reflux. If this happens, try to support pillows to sleep and take an antacid before retiring. This can make the separation problem. Or not eating shortly before bedtime.

* Cold air is one of the worst triggers for inducing an asthma attack, so if you go outside when it is very cold so be sure to keep your goodies wrapped in a handkerchief to avoid breathing cold air. The scarf is facing the air you breathe hot and humid.

* Air conditioning can also induce an attack if it is drawing air from outside your vehicle. This is because it is pulling all the triggers may object, such as pollen and smoke. If you want to run your air conditioner, make sure it is configured to recirculate the air inside the car.

* The kitchen can have its dangers. If you are sensitive to certain foods, then even the smell of cooking that can trigger an asthma attack. It 's a good excuse to get someone else to do the cooking!

* Do not overdo the salt is a recent research that shows that there is a clear correlation between salt intake and asthma in adults and children.

* There is a general consensus that some food additives can have a huge impact on people with asthma (especially children). If a child is an asthmatic you should start checking food labels carefully to ensure that you buy without additives. You might be surprised by the improvement in asthma symptoms. Potassium is the main culprit and should be avoided, if possible.

* Do not use aspirin, if you have a headache or other ailments. Many people with asthma may be very sensitive to aspirin and its ingestion has led to the death on several occasions.

* Finally, use the inhaler correctly. Unfortunately, there are a lot of asthma out there that does not use the inhaler as they should. This is a technique for using the inhaler, and if you do not breathe correctly medicine affects the airways and lungs, it must check that it is taught how to use it for someone who really knows what they are doing.

Having asthma is not a life, because it can be treated well. Even those who suffer from severe asthma can live a normal productive life, provided manage their condition to the best of their ability, just a bit of common sense and understand as much as possible for your condition.
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detox dieting

Contrary to popular belief, detox your body should not be boring at all. Not only is there in the cabbage soup or eat the grenade during the entire duration of your diet because you can prepare simple but delicious food at home:

Fresh green salad

Prepare a delicious salad with organic and local products of your choice. Skip the pre-fabricated room and make your own. A mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey adds a sweet taste to your salad. Lettuce is something you can eat at any time - that breakfast, lunch or snack.

Detox Drink

The mixture of lemon pepper maple syrup detox drink is the most popular so far, but you can make your own delicious smoothies and juices. Fresh juice can be detoxifying, while it is fresh and contains no preservatives or additives like sugar. You can also make smoothies or even a combination of steamed vegetables of your choice.

Carrot cake

The cake is probably the last thing on your mind when it comes to detox recipes, but you can still enjoy the goodness of carrots, although the toxins in your diet. You can use the raw wheat flour and add the apples, brown sugar, or healthy alternatives such as stevia, agave or honey.

Brown rice recipes

Brown rice is a good choice of detox diet. A couple of cups of rice, a cup of steamed vegetables or sauteed vegetables. You can prepare your own rice mixed with boiled rice and fried vegetables and slices. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Rules for detox diets

You can actually prepare any meal to detox recipe as long as you follow the advice of some or rules:

1. Eat fresh and raw, if possible

2. Buy organic and locally grown

3. Avoid junk food and canned

4. Avoid coffee, soft drinks and alcohol

5. Steam and cook the food and avoid cooking as much as possible

6. Use healthy oils for frying

A detox diet will take some time to work, so you should start a week long detox diet. When the detox diet, be sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and do not skip meals. In fact, you can also grab a snack, for what you want, as long as you make healthy food choices that meet the standard of a detox diet.

With your recipe detox diet, you can take laxatives or herbal teas to help cleanse the colon. Aside from that, it should also exercise to improve your cleaning regime.

With the right recipes, you can certainly enjoy a detox diet is cleansing and detoxifying in nature, without sacrificing the taste of food at all.
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Cancer Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is a cancer that is named after Jan Waldenstrom, Scandinavian doctor who first identified the disease and learn about early 1940. Cancer is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and is a very rare disease in some papers, which amounts to 1,000 cases and 1,600 are diagnosed with Waldenstrom occur in America each year.

What causes WM, like many other cancers is unknown, but estimates that a change in the DNA may be a cause. Despite this lack of certainty about the causes of Waldenstrom believed to be factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease. Most cases of Waldenstrom's disease occurring in over 50 years and the average age of incidence is 61 The incidence of the disease are almost twice more for men than women. The condition is inherited which means that those families who have Waldenstrom's or a form of lymphoma is more likely to contract the disease.

An initial diagnosis of Waldenstrom is complex because there are usually no symptoms at first. Usually the first indication of Waldenstrom from routine investigations show atypical results. These inconsistent results could be a high level of IgM in the blood or hyper-viscosity which is another indication of the disease. The diagnosis can also occur if swollen lymph nodes found. It is the same as if a larger than normal spleen or liver was found. A bone marrow biopsy may also be used to diagnose WM.

Waldenstrom's prognosis is very diverse range of victims. Since the disease is very unfrequent was not a huge amount of research to properly assess the survival rate of victims of the disease. International scoring system for predicting Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia objective is to evaluate the long-term effects of Waldenstrom. Five-nine years is generally accepted that the survival time were diagnosed with Waldenstrom, although the fact that there are very few symptoms, some patients can live with the disease for many years prior to obtaining a diagnosis.

Signs of illness or a problem with the start macroglobulinemia in white blood cells. They cause the cells become abnormal and expansion within the organs or bone marrow and spleen / liver. These complex abnormalities of white blood cells and thus reduce the amount of other blood cells, such as red blood cells. When people have low levels of red blood cells, they suffer from anemia, which causes them to feel weak and drained. Waldenstrom also reduces the amount of healthy white blood cells that reduces the ability of organizations to fight against the flu, bacteria and other infections. These symptoms are not often seen in the early stages of Waldenstrom's disease with most symptoms do not occur until the disease is fairly advanced.

In advanced stages of the disease, the symptoms vary according to the patients. Many of the symptoms are similar to those of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which include swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue and weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue and weight loss, swelling of lymph nodes, fever, fatigue and weight loss and swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue and weight loss, fatigue, weight loss and lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, and lymph nodes weight loss.

Another symptom is hyper-viscosity or blood clotting occurs due to overproduction causes of Waldenstrom IgM. This causes thickening of blood circulation problems at once and the nervous system. If circulation to the brain is affected, which can cause symptoms similar to stroke. Traffic problems can also lead to Raynaud's phenomenon, which causes a narrowing of blood vessels to slow the flow of blood throughout the body. This can cause circulation to the extremities of human hands and feet, to get cut.
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Danger Childhood Leukemia

Speaking of cancer, which is the quiet man's murderer. It is an uncontrollable attack if your number (cell) multiplies rapidly.

When they are solid, it gives a negative effect on normal surrounding tissues. At this time there must be measures to address this problem. If it would not be well treated cancer cells will compete in the bloodstream to reach some parts of the body. That is what we call the metastasis, which is already very difficult to control or be cured.

We all have cancer cells scattered throughout our body parts and spared none of this silent killer. Young and old can get, especially if the immune system of our body was weakening, which may reduce our resistance. problem of cancer in the younger generation is far more diverse than older generations. The same medical procedures in the fight for her, but the second form when you look under a microscope. Chances are, younger generation responded better than the old form of treatment.

Children and adult patients

Cancer is common in older people than young. Most of the deaths is likely higher in people aged younger. If we evaluate the chances of survival, 70% of adolescents and 30% for the oldest. Sometimes he would go up to 90% then depend on the different types of cancer.

Reasons for cancer children

Cancer is not communicable unlike AIDS. The alteration of genes in a cell is one of the reasons for the development of cancer.

In the elderly, is a contributing factor unhealthy lifestyles cancer who come from different loads carcinogen intake, exposure to sunlight too, and more. The reason for having cancer in children is not yet known. There must be reasons for this type of cancer among younger generations, but the scientist never discovered what the cause is real.

Various types of childhood cancer

Leukemia: The most common form of cancer at a younger generation. There are more white blood cells than normal blood cells. These abnormal cells or leukemia developed earlier before reaching maturity.

Various types of leukemia

• Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): The most common type of deal usually children / adolescents. It would strike tomorrow bone - which is our producer of blood. Common chemotherapy, a kind of drug that kills cancer cells. Another is by radiation - a high wave energy, such as radiography. The survival rate for this type of drug is greater than 70%.

• Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): Is less more common among younger generations, but it can also be treated with chemotherapy and stem cell replacement. The chance of survival is between 50% and 60%.

• brain tumors and tumors of the spinal cord: This form is the second most common type of leukemia to influence our younger children. In most cases, the accident is greater than survive against all forms of drugs, because it is very difficult to manage and be healed. It should be used as first line treatment, and it depends on what part of the central nervous system tumor of the brain grew. A series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy could inevitably occurs as a kind of drug monitoring. Few people survive, according to the state of the tumor (stage 1, 2, 3) and the type of tumor.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Because The Immune System Can Lead To Colds, Flu And Other Infections?

When most people get a bug or other, they begin to achieve things to relieve symptoms such as an order by agreement or natural immune system boosters. Some things to alleviate symptoms, but to know why these things happen is key to avoiding them.

We are surrounded every day by pathogens that can infect us, but our immune systems generally take care of themselves without us noticing. However, when one manages to break the defenses, all I want to do is get rid of it, without realizing why our natural defense let us down temporarily. The problem is actually in the digestive system.

All natural health experts agree that most of the human immune system occurs in the digestive system, although estimates vary from 40% to 70%. The exact percentage is not important. The fact is that the digestive system is not near perfect condition is subject to infection.

From mouth to ass, including the sinuses and trachea, digestive system lined with a layer of adhesive type absorbent. Some features of this layer depends on the function and location in the body, but the essential features remain the same.

When the absorbent layer is compromised due to inadequate nutrition, exposure to chemicals and abused by junk food and / or difficult to treat, such as refined foods, canned foods and beverages, this layer becomes susceptible to infection and weakens the immune system.

The immune system can not work and the tools they give you to work.

Refined foods and oils, food mixed with chemical preservatives and low in nutrition and food are the mucous layer and impair their ability to cope with pathogens. This is also why many people develop chronic diseases such as sinusitis, yeast infections, asthma and the list goes on.

When this layer of mud is in poor health, she opened the door to all sorts of health problems.

You can get sick when your immune system is weak. A strong immune system to fight the invaders to go with natural.

When the natural immune system booster might help a bit, 'but if you have a bug, it's a bit' late to expect much. The best probably only relieve symptoms, such as medicines, can easily sinus pressure, to remove mucus, headaches and stomach upsets, etc.

There are simple things you can do immediately to build your immune system strength.

Vitamin A is essential for a good layer of mucus and zinc to help add to both absorb. In third world countries where hunger and disease is endemic, people are still in a critical lack of vitamin A.

EFA (essential fatty acids) are also very important, and most people do not get enough in their diet.

More complex multi-vitamin/mineral quality, or better yet, take one of superfoods like spirulina. You can find online a lot cheaper than a health food store.

It 'something that is very important, depending on what area you come from certain foods that can cause nutrient deficient. For example, only the cows grain, like corn, is short of some minerals that naturally grass-fed animals is in their flesh. This also applies to fruits and vegetables.

Soil in some areas are often low in some essential minerals.

You may need more of these specific nutrients to build your immune system to appropriate levels.

30 years of natural health and research experience to help you with your health problems - naturally.
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Symptoms of Candida

If you think you have Candida? Candida can be a difficult bacterium. In fact, it is a fungus that quickly tells the yeast. Give it a little 'sugar and grow uncontrollably. If you suspect that the symptoms of Candida here to search.

Candida symptoms in women

While men, women and children all have Candida, women seem to be the most sensitive. It is because of vaginal yeast infections. A slight imbalance in the body of a woman and they can develop an infection. Symptoms include:

* Redness

* Itching

* Case discharge vaginal infection

* Pain with reports

* Pain when urinating

* Candida on the skin is colored red itchy rash is bumpy and painful.

Symptoms Men

Men suffering from Candida infections as well. But the symptoms are often a little different. It is important to know that men can become infected with candida on his genitals. Obvious signs include redness and itching. It may look like diaper rash that has irritated red bumps. Candida on the genitals of a man is commonly called Jock Itch.

Symptoms of children

Children can suffer from Candida too. They can get thrush, a candida infection in the mouth. It appears as a white almost theatrical performances in their mouth, tongue and gums.

Hidden Symptoms

Current and the surface symptoms of Candida are easy to identify. However, there are many hidden or subtle symptoms may be difficult to identify. Candida symptoms, including:

* Weight gain

* Fatigue

* Dizziness or blurred mind

* Acne

* Chronic infections of the urinary tract

* Constipation

* Diarrhea

* Strain

* Muscle pain

* Depression

These symptoms are unexpected, right? These symptoms are hidden one of the reasons a person may struggle constantly with Candida. Treat the infection get rid of Candida overgrowth. In fact, it might worsen the situation.

If you have any of these symptoms may be an overgrowth of candida. topical skin symptoms are easier to identify. Other symptoms may take years before admitting that Candida is the cause.

So what is the remedy?

How to Get Rid of Candida and prevent these symptoms often painful and annoying?

Diet plays an important role in preventing the proliferation of yeasts. The same thing applies to your immune system. People with a weakened immune system is sensitive to the proliferation of Candida. Make sure you have a diet that is rich in nutrients and fiber. Reduce or eliminate carbohydrates from sugar and starches. Candida feeds on sugar in the body. The healthier your diet, food less Candida a. You can literally starve Candida.

Do not struggle with candida symptoms. Get rid of them for good. Caring for your health and understand the causes of Candida overgrowth.
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